Acupuncture is part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Ancient Chinese developed their unique and accurate medical system (Traditional Chinese Medicine) through careful and diligent study of the body, mind, emotions, spirit, and the natural world around them.
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into various points on the body that help establish greater circulation. Acupuncture needles serve as conductors, and when placed in points that have increased conductivity, can effectively "tune" the body to maximize health and wellness. The needles provide gentle and precise stimulation to specific sites on the body, which is the catalyst for a healing response.
The body’s natural opiates, endorphins, are released from the brain during each acupuncture session, potentially making the treatments profoundly relaxing and enjoyable. Many newcomers are pleasantly surprised by how painless the needle insertion is and how pleasurable the overall experience can be.
The traditional Chinese practice of Gua Sha involves stroking the skin with a stiff instrument made of rose quartz, jade, bone, or horn. Gua sha uses a scraping motion to promote friction to the skin, which causes an increase in blood flow beneath the surface of the skin. The increase in blood circulation can lead to a number of healing effects in the body. “Sha” is transitory therapeutic petechiae or the bringing up of blood into the subcutis. It brings to the surface toxins to be carried out of the tissue by the lymphatic system to the kidneys and the liver to be filtered. Therefore, Gua Sha reduces inflammation, benefits the immune system, and reduces pain. A gentle version is even used on the face as a facial rejuvenation technique.
Cupping therapy utilizes glass, plastic, or silicone cups, which provide suction to tissue. The suction facilitates improved blood flow to injured or painful areas and increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed, thus promoting cell repair in the area. It can also help promote new connective tissues and create new blood vessels to the area. Cupping is often used to complement a treatment for various symptoms and conditions. Cupping is very effective in relieving muscle tightness and pain.
When applied to acupuncture points, tuning forks (Acutonics) provide gentle vibrational healing. The forks facilitate a calming effect known for bringing the nervous system into a parasympathetic state. They are an excellent alternative to needles. Great for children or adults who prefer an alternative to needling.
The ear is covered in a powerful network of nerve endings, creating a microsystem of the entire body on the ear's surface. When specific combinations of points are stimulated, they have been shown to have a balancing or therapeutic effect. Ear seeds are a natural, noninvasive tool used to stimulate those points. The tiny natural seeds are affixed to the ear with medical tape, which provides constant light pressure to those points. Utilizing the ear for therapeutic purposes has a rich, long history in many cultures around the world.
LED light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes different wavelengths of infrared light to help treat various skin issues such as acne, fine lines, and wounds. LED (light-emitting diode) is a lower energy form than the sun and laser treatments. In short, LED is absorbed by the molecules in the skin, which alters the biology of nearby cells. This enhances cellular metabolism and accelerates repair and replenishment of damaged skin cells. It also stimulates the production of collagen. Different LED wavelengths that show up as color have different benefits.
The LED light can be used for facial services and for treating inflammation and pain on the body. It is an excellent add-on to any service.
LED Light Therapy has been FDA-cleared solution for the following:
Herbal formulas are prescribed in safe therapeutic combinations to support health and well-being. More than 450 substances are used in Chinese herbal medicine. Most are of plant origin, although some mineral substances may also be used.
When prescribed by a trained practitioner, herbal formulas are tailored to an individual. Most formulas are in pill, powder, or tincture form and are convenient and easy to take. All formulas Julee carries are free of toxic fillers and ingredients.
Traditional Chinese Medicine provides essential information concerning how to use food to assist in healing the body. Food acts as foundational medicine. Over time it profoundly affects all systems of the the body. When proper nutrition is used, it will assist in the prevention and treatment of disease. According to your Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis, nutritional guidance may be given to support an imbalance within the body. Once evaluated, a client is educated on specific foods/diets that will provide therapeutic results for their condition.
Therapeutic exercise involves specific movements prescribed to correct impairments, restore muscular and skeletal function, and/or maintain a state of well-being.
A well-balanced exercise program can improve general health, build endurance, and slow many aging effects. The benefits of exercise improve physical health and enhance emotional well-being. Patients will learn specific exercise routines for their constitution and condition.
AcuGlow is rooted in the traditional Chinese Medicine techniques of Gua Sha and cupping, this proprietary protocol increases microcirculation and collagen production. Immediately lifts, tones, and reduce fine lines. Unlike injection procedures, AcuGlow addresses not only signs of aging but also the skin's overall health. “It works internally to optimize your health while simultaneously enhancing the appearance of your skin,” AcuGlow is a holistic approach to beauty that helps the whole body look and feel younger. By addressing the physical, mental, and emotional stresses that cause disease and accelerated aging, it goes beyond mere cosmetics and deals directly with the health of the body’s largest organ, the skin. Facial Rejuvenation works by tightening pores, improving muscle tone, increasing collagen production, and reducing facial stresses. It also restores balance to the skin’s moisture and color by increasing blood circulation to the face, which improves muscle tone. It can even reduce the buildup of noxious elements in the skin.
Also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, microneedling uses thin needles to create micro channels in the skin. This then helps the skin’s own healing process by producing more collagen and elastin. Cellular turnover is also enhanced, resulting in firm, smoother skin, improved skin tone, and reduced scars pore size, wrinkles, and stretch marks. The open channels created by microneedling allow for an increase of up to 2000% of products placed on the skin. The beauty of microneedling is that it is minimally invasive and has long-lasting results. Monthly treatments are recommended until the desired results are achieved.
It uses cartridge tips that are thin and microscopic, causing no discomfort. It increases cellular turnover, collagen production, and product absorption. It is safe to use around the eyes and lips. It can safely be used between microneedling sessions.
Acupuncture is part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into various points on the body that help establish greater circulation. Each acupuncture point also has a set of associated functions, and its stimulation can mediate various physiological events as well as address and improve emotional and mental states. Endorphins, our body’s natural opiates, are released from the brain with every acupuncture treatment, and treatments have the potential to be profoundly relaxing and pleasant (believe it or not). Most newcomers are pleasantly surprised to find the needle insertion relatively painless and the treatments so enjoyable.
Cupping therapy utilizes glass, plastic, or silicone cups, which provide suction to tissue. The suction facilitates improved blood flow to injured or painful areas and increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed, thus promoting cell repair in the area. It can also help promote new connective tissues and create new blood vessels to the area. Cupping is often used to complement a treatment for various symptoms and conditions. Cupping is very effective in relieving muscle tightness and pain.
LED Light Therapy for Collagen Production
LED light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and stimulate the body’s natural processes. One of the key benefits of LED light therapy is its ability to boost collagen production. Collagen, a vital protein that maintains skin elasticity and firmness, tends to decrease with age, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin.
By using red and near-infrared light, LED light therapy can:
The LED light can be used for facial services and for treating inflammation and pain on the body.
LED Light Therapy has been FDA-cleared solution for the following:
Introducing TOMA Skin Therapies, sustainable skincare with a purpose— to align your body, mind, and spirit through self-care. TOMA’s holistic, plant-based skincare is powered by ancient Chinese herbs and adaptogenic botanicals that adjust to your skin’s unique needs to empower its natural vitality. We’re proud to be carrying the entire line.
Southwest Austin Acupuncture
Belterra Community - Austin, TX 78737
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